Friday, July 8, 2011

Garmin GPS

One thing that I love is our GPS system. I think that we made the right choice getting the garmin brand. It is the number one selling GPS system in the world. I did not know how great they were until a year ago when we bought ours. We use it all the time and when we go on vacation. I can see why the garmin golf gps review is so good. I am sure that it has a ton of extra features just like ours does. I have really never went real golfing before but I am sure it would be very helpful if I did. I always wonder how those people can hit that ball so far and not loose it. I might have to try it once in my life. Maybe when Ken retires we will go golfing in another tropical state and bring the gps with us to help us out.

Hard to buy for?

Ken always tells me that I am really hard to buy gifts for. I always tell him that I am super easy I don't know why he says that. I think that women are much easier than men. I will take just about anything that smells nice or is a decoration for the house. Well I know some men do have a hard time so let me tell you that your wife will love these.
As a matter of fact I am sure you will love them as well. They would make the perfect gift for your wife or teachers. It will just about make anyone drool. I think just about everyone loves strawberries even those that are allergic to them love them and wish they could eat them. It is actually the perfect gift to give someone because speciality food always goes over well. Try them and let me know what you think. They sure look delicious to me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Speaking about Babies

Well speaking about babies I can not believe that my baby is already two years old. I remember when he was first born. I was so worried about him because he was having problems breathing. I was very good that I knew he had a wonderful doctor that would make sure he would get to good health in no time at all. I never sent out a birth announcement before so I wanted to do it special for him. I thought it would be something sweet that he would have that the others did not get. I did not want him to feel left out because he was our third child. I looked numerous places like birth announcements. They all had really cute designs. I just loved about everyone of them. I was very happy with the ones that we choose. As a matter of fact I still love them very much. I am sure we will have another baby before we are done and I will have to figure something special for that one as well.

A New Baby

I am very excited to say that I know of three new babies being born this year and early next year. I love to hold little babies and I can not wait for their arrival. Two are from good friends and one is from my sister in law. I am very excited to have a new baby in the family. It will be a nice addition at family get together. It will also be wonderful for the kids to have another cousin.
One of the first things I think of when a new baby is born is that I wonder if they are going to buy gurkha cigars to pass around to family and friends. We do not smoke but it had been a tradition to many people for as long as I can remember. I can remember my dad doing it when my sister was born almost 16 years ago. Ken also did it when Ben was born 7 years ago. It is a nice little gift that visitors can get when they see the baby for the first time. I cant wait to see our new babies. One is actually due on my birthday. How exciting is that!

Friday, July 1, 2011


If I have become a fan of a certain type of scope and lens it definitely has to be the nikon brand. I have a nikon camera and I have been researching it for quite some time and they are simply the best in its class. With nikon spotting scopes you can spot just about anything. I think that they would be the perfect gift for just about anyone in the hunting field. I would also like one just for myself to see things that you would not normally see with your eye. I can not wait to purchase my next Nikon product for my camera. I am hoping that it will be sooner rather than later.