Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Helping out

The other day my grandma called me because she was wondering if I could look up a few places for Dallas auto repair in her area. I am pretty good at looking up things on the Internet and she knows that. I also like to look things up on the Internet because you can look to see if the place you are looking for has any good or bad reviews. It seems that if you type any business in an online search then you get some sort of results. She was looking for someone because she needs to get a brake job on her little truck. She has not replaced them since she bought the truck used so she did not know what the price was going to be to get it done.
Ken would really like to get a new car sometime soon. He has his eye on the Chevrolet Silverado. I would love to have one of those but I need something that is able to hold three car seats at the same time. I don't think that we will all fit into a Silverado. maybe Ken could get one to use it to get to and from work and school. I know he would like a new car and maybe that will be his first choice. I wonder what color he would choose.

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