Friday, September 17, 2010

What's Your Story

What's your story? Do you have a really big weight loss story that you would like to share? Well if you do I think you should write about it. I was not to sure when I started blogging but if you do also then maybe you can inspire someone else to loose the weight just like you did. Maybe you will even inspire me to do it. I like reading people that have success stories with loosing weight the old fashioned way. It seems like now days people are just having weight loss surgery or taking diet pills to help maintain their weight. I am personally scared of all of the above. I don't believe in using all these treatments. I know I could loose more with a little exercise and better eating habits. We really do not eat that bad around here we just eat to late in the evening. That I know is really bad. If you have a store please share it with me. I would love to read it.

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