Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Playing Sports

One thing that Ken and I agree on is that we think the kids should play sports. We know that it is really good for them to get the exercise of running around and it is also good to teach them good sportsmanship with other kids their age. I don't want one of those poor kids that never get to do anything because their parents are to lazy to get involved with their lives. That really makes me sad to see kids getting neglected. I guess I just always like to get my kids involved in new things. I really think that they enjoy it just as much as we do and they get exercise as well as learning new things. Not once did our kids ever object to doing a new sport. If they did we would figure out why they did not like it and try to work something out. Since they are in sports we try to buy them small gifts at the end of the season. We have never done football yet but maybe next year we will get Ben signed up to try it. We will then need football gifts to get the kids at the end of the season. Just a small little something for the kids really makes them happy. Most parents get something for everyone which makes it really nice.

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