Sunday, November 18, 2007

Still unsure

I am still not quite sure what I am going to do with this new blog. I have a couple blogs already so I want this different and I want users to want to come and visit it again. I still am looking for new types of blogs that I visit daily so maybe others can be interested too. So Im still thinking. What a pain.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Maybe not

Well maybe the secret blog idea is not worth the risk. I mean with the popularity of blogs these days maybe someone would end up finding it and spill all of your inner secrets. That would be aweful. So I guess it is not a good idea. We all know we have secrets of things from everyone. Yes even our hubbys that we say we tell everything to. Only God knows everything right.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Should I dare

Did you ever think of having a secret blog. You know one that nobody reads but yourself. I think I just might want one. Now that I have been blogging for a while I see that nobodys life is what you can make it seem on the internet. However maybe thats why we moms like blogging so much. Because everything can be perfect in our blog life and nobody will ever know!