Thursday, February 25, 2010

Coupon Codes

When I shop online I always do a search for an online coupon code for what ever I am buying. I like to always try and save some money even if it is just for free shipping. I figure that every little bit helps. Not to mention that I almost never have paid full price on something online because of my coupon searches. That's why when we wanted to buy a treadmill for this coming year I did a search for nordic track promotion code. Luckily I got one and save us some money on even the strangest purchases that you would never have thought possible. Get your coupon code by clicking on the link provided.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What do You want to be?

Well I was asked just like everyone a million times in their life "what do you want to be when you grow up?". I think that is the most common question when you are graduating from high school. Well what was my answer. I honestly always wanted to be a police officer. I am not really sure why but it might have something to do with me living almost next door the the police chief in my town. I played with all his kids growing up and even had a crush on one of them. It seemed natural to me that I would take a look at criminal justice degrees when I hit college. I remember when I was little loving when the chief of police would come him in a police car and let us kids check out the inside and turn on the lights. It was the coolest thing that I ever remember growing up. When I first started going to college I took a few criminal justice classes but then stopped. I am not sure why I ever stopped. I guess because I knew police officers did not make very much money and people always told me that was silly to go to school for when it would not pay off. I know they don't make as much as other job careers but honestly I think they are under paid. I need to check into some classes again because as a small child it was always my dream job.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Im one of them

I have to admit I'm one of those people that freak out that the very first sign of a pimple. I never had acne before and I really never want to have it. I get a zit every now and then but I'm the first to run to the store to by acne cream if I start to have more than one at a time. I did that when I was pregnant last time and I could have just used different acne home remedies that would have been just as effective. It might have even been a little more save for the baby as well. I will have to remember this next time I find a pimple or two on my face. Hopefully it will not be any time soon.

Free Candy

I always like to sign up for free candy samples because the kids really like to get it in the mail. I usually sign up for food samples because I can give the kids an unexpected treat and they think its a special day when something comes just for them. I really like lemon heads and this is something new and different so I'm rather excited to give them a try. Hopefully it will come after lent or I will not be able to try them. Here is the link.


If you ever go to the social security administration you will most likely be in line for hours until they call your number. The reason for this is because they have so many different things they do there. They take care of the obvious and they take care of the social security disability claims. Many people think that they should get benefits and they do not really deserve them. Same goes for those getting them when it really is not necessary and they are fully able to work. I have to say that because so many are getting benefits that do not really need them they have fallen into the process of just telling everyone they are denied and unless you take further action than you will not get anything. They figure they can weed out half the applicants just by telling them no they do not qualify. Lots of people are unable to work and should get the benefits that they are suppose to receive. If you happen to be one that was denied but think you qualify then check out this company because they can help you get the benefits you deserve.

So Many shows

Have you noticed that reality tv is a major factor on just about every channel. All the viewers think that it is more realistic than shows that have an author. Everyone like to watch people that are just living every day life. Well I am not really a huge watcher of reality tv. The first thing that comes to mind is if it is not live tv than it was edited and its not really reality after all. The second is that I don't understand shows where a ton of women or men are pushing themselves and doing just about anything to get the same guy. That's crazy to me. I would never want to be with a man that was with my friend or competition the night before. It actually grosses me out. I don't know it these shows are even real. I actually hope they are not because it seems like people really have dropped their standards if they are. Weight loss show are interesting to me. I wonder all the time if there are really It seems like people loose weight but then again I don't really know what they look like a couple years down the road because they never really follow up on it. I need to find a diet that works forever not just a season.


When ever I see teens that are struggling from acne I always feel bad for them. Another thing that I think is why don't their parents take them to see someone that can help. I'm sure that they do not like the look of their face and usually they are the ones that are getting made fun of. I graduated high school a long time ago but I still did not forget about growing up and getting laughed at. I did not really get laughed or talked about in high school because our class was pretty much all friends but in grade school it was hard. It seems like kids can be so mean to one another and acne does not help at all. I remember some of the kids that had acne would always be sad because some laughed and talked about them. Who knew there was acne vitamins that would help your body as well as your face. I think that if my kids had a problem I would be trying everything I could to help them make it go away. There are so many mean kids why make it worse for them.

Free Soap

I don't remember the last time I actually bought a bar of soap. I never buy soap bars because we don't use them. We all use body wash. I like it better because i really don't like how a bar of soap gets soggy after a couple uses. I used to have a habit of pushing my finger through the bar and then it would break and be trash. i know its silly but it gets all yucky after a while. If you like bar soap still and continue to use it here is a free sample.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


One thing that I can not stand is the winter months. Ken is always telling me that he is so dry. It makes him itch all the time and he really does not like to use a moisturizer. I never really have a problem with being dry because I am always using oil in my shower and using a lotion when I step out. The kids however are sometimes dry as well and that's when we know that we need to start looking for humidifier filters because ours must not be working very well. It it has to much build up on the filter it will not spin and then it will not put any moisture into the air. We actually had to replace the whole unit a couple years ago because it stopped working. We went to our local hardware store and Ken replaced and mounted the whole new unit. It sure works good because I never hear any of our family members complaining that their skin is dry and itchy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Keeping Clean

Well I always thought the line was if there is nothing wrong why fix it. Well that might be true with some things but there are also things that need to be cleaned out once in a while even if they are working just fine. Many take colon cleanser only when something seems to be going wrong but it actually is very good to take even if you don't have any problems. It is good to keep that part of your body on track so that it does not cause any problems for you later down the road. The colon is not really something many think about unless we have issues with it but in order to prevent issues it is good to keep up on the maintenance. It makes for less problems later in life. Colon cancer is one of the most common causes in death because many forget to get that checked out on a regular basis when you become middle aged. I'm not quite ready for it myself, but when that age should come I will be sure to keep up even the worst of check ups.

Free Tide

My absolute favorite laundry soap is tide so when I saw this free sample I was fast to sign up. We are planning a trip to Florida this May and since our hotel room has laundry in the room I will bring a couple samples with me so I can do some wash without having to buy a big soap container. It is always nice to throw the swim suits in the wash after you wear them once or twice. I like a clean dry suite every time. It sure makes it easier to put on. Here is a link to your sample.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Garage Floor

One thing that almost every man I have ever meet really loves is their garage. I have no idea why, but if you ask me it must have something to do with it being their very own space. Ken loves his garage so much. In the summer he can actually spend all day out there organizing and rearranging things. He will ask me what I think and honestly I don't notice much of a difference but he seems to think a big change happened. One thing that he really loves about his dads garage is the garage floor. He loves how it is coated so that nothing will stain the concrete. I also think it looks nicer and it seems like it is much easier to clean if you should have a spill. You can use water and a squeegee and clean it right up. I know we have plans to get a new door on the garage and to paint it, but I wonder if Ken has any ideas for the floor. I would bet that he does.