Friday, April 30, 2010


I had no idea what Mesothelioma was before I started blogging. I did know about the dangers of asbestos because they have had many programs on television about it. Also when we were redoing our house the code inspector was always coming around to check to see if it asbestos was there and if we were disposing of it properly. Thankfully we did not have any in our house even though our house was older and was a likely candidate. There is also so much floating around the internet these days about because some still do not know the dangers and what causes the disease. I do enjoy the internet for finding out about things reguarding health issues that I would have never thought to look at before. It really spark my interest.

Free Lotion

One thing that I use all the time is lotion. I never like to feel dry and flaky in the winter and in the summer I think that legs that are moisturized look much better than those that are not. I also like it because if you have noticed that when you feel dry you always itch. One of my favorite lotions happens to be giving away a free sample. Here is the link.

A Party

Well its that time of year for parties. We actually have a party this coming Sunday that is celebrating for my sisters Confirmation. My mom is actually planning the party so it is pretty nice that I get to enjoy the company instead of being the host for a change. It seems like I am always having the party and never get to enjoy the party guests. One thing my mom did not plan for was a place to put all the guests. I asked her if she was getting some outdoor furniture but she did not plan the expense. I suggested that we all just ask our guest to bring our own chairs. I know it is a little tacky but really where else are we going to all sit. I know I have a few chairs but for our parties we always use the picnic tables from the village. I would like to get a nice patio set for our personal use this summer. It would be nice to relax after the kids go to bed.

Paper Towel

Well I thought this was a little bit of a strange sample. I have never been given a sample of a paper towel before. I wonder if they are really going to waste their time sending you one paper towl in the mail. That would be interesting. Maybe they will send you a coupon for a free roll. That would be nice. Either way it will be interesting so I will sign up just to see how this pans out.

Planning a Vacation

Well it seemed like yesterday Ken and I decided to take the kids on a little vacation. When we were planning it actually seemed like May would never get here but it sure did arrive very fast. I am sure being so busy had a lot to do with it. It seems like we still have so much planning. When we decided we wanted to go someplace we did not even consider a Branson vacation package. It seems a little silly now that I have been doing some more researching on this great spot so close to home. It looks like the kids would probably have a really good time there and maybe we should consider it for a future vacation. I know Ken really wanted to see Florida because he has never been there even when he was little. He always says he wants to give our kids what he never had as a child. He thinks his dad never wanted to take him and his brother on vacations. I am always telling him I'm sure that was not the case maybe they just could not afford it or maybe they did not have the means to get there with his mom being sick. Either way we are starting to try and take a vacation with the kids every year. Hopefully it will continue way into their adult hood.

Sticking to it

Well I have been sticking to my exercise plan that I made for myself a few months ago. I wanted to go tanning for my upcoming vacation and since the package includes a work out using treadmills among other things I told myself in order to tan I have to work out. It has been working great for the most part. There is usually a wait for the tanning bed so it is much easier to exercise rather tan sit there and wait for it to open. It gets me moving and I have actually been feeling a little better about myself and I have gained more energy. I also like some of the other exercise equipment they have there. Hopefully I can keep up with this plan and get healthy and maybe loose a little weight.

Pull Ups

Well I often hear parents saying they are in the process of potty training their children and they are using pull ups instead of diapers. I always ask them do they actually think that a pull up is not a diaper? It has the same look and feel as a diaper to a child on their butt so why would they think any different. It seems like the parents use them more for themselves than the child. I have potty trained a girl and a boy and I have yet to put them in one single pull up. However some like the convince so here is a chance to grab two free ones. I think they are pretty expensive so this might be good catch.

Monday, April 26, 2010

More than just weight loss

Well I have just come across this thing called irvingia weight loss. I have personally never heard about it before but it is a diet pill that does more than just help you loose weight. It actually helps you to lower your cholesterol as well as your blood pressure. I was reading a little about it and the average person that was taking the pills was loosing about 12 pounds per month. Wow thats actually a lot of weight. Just imagine how much you can loose if you stayed on it for a whole year. I might actually be skinny. Well maybe not but I would consider giving it a try. I have to check out the different products that have this stuff in them.

Fiber Bar

Have you ever tried a fiber bar? Well I actually have a few boxes of them in my basement. Ken takes them to work and I eat them in the day time to get a little bit of energy. One thing that I always make sure of is that you only eat one a day because they are so high in fiber. If you have never tried a fiber bar than you really should. This happens to be one of my favorite ones so give it a try for starters.

Good? Bad?

Well I am not really sure the difference when it comes to cholesterol what the difference is in the good one or the bad one. I know that it is really something that everyone should know but I have really never read about it. One thing that I did not know was that one in five people suffer from bad cholesterol. Well considering that America is one of the most overweight countries in the world I would believe that we have tons of people suffering from this condition. I personally have never had my cholesterol levels checked but I would consider doing it since it improves your health. If my levels are really bad I might think about trying a cholesterol treatment to bring down my bad levels and hopefully bring up the good levels. It might really help with making me feel better along with dieting an trying to continue to work out almost everyday. Hopefully soon I will gain some more energy because right now thats really what I need.

Free phone card

Well thought this was a little interesting when I happened to come across it. I have heard of Colgate toothpaste but I did not know they would be giving away a calling card. Well I was reading a little more then I realized that they are giving it away for mothers day so that you can call your mom. How sweet is that. It is a ten minute card not that much time but if you never call you mom because you can't afford it then ten minutes will be good enough for her. Trust me I would know. Here is the link to get your card.

Leaving soon

Oh yes I and the rest of my family are counting down the days till we leave on vacation. One thing I love about vacation is that we are stress free. We do not worry about money or bills or any of the activities that we have to do everyday of our lives. It is just a time to enjoy one another and relax with fun planned activities. I personally am running out of time to loose a few last pounds before we go. I have thought of trying a weight loss supplement to curb my hunger till we leave on our vacation. I wanted to loose about 20 pounds just because I set that as a goal for myself. I have been trying to work out more frequently. It is sometimes hard since we have such busy lives but I have been doing pretty well. Hopefully soon I can reach my goal before we leave on our trip.

Like Yogurt

Personally I hate yogurt. I have never liked it but I have always wanted to like it. I know it is very good for you to eat and all my kids love to have yogurt for a healthy snack. Ken loves it as well. I have tried it quite a few times because I kept thinking that maybe I just did not like the brand of the flavor but it still tastes like sour milk to me. If your a yogurt lover then here is a free sample just for you. Enjoy!

Summer Fun

The warmer days are upon us and there is nothing more that my family likes to do is grill our food outside. We have used everything from propane, to gas and charcoal. We love the taste of grilled food. We always run into one problem. We always run out or gas or charcoal. It always seems to happen to us at the worst moments. I remember it happening at least twice to use at our kids birthday parties. My husband always has to sneak out from the party and buy more gas for the grill but last time he had a great suggestion. He said next time we should get one of those outdoor electric grills so we never have this problem again. I agreed.


Recently my dad was given a pair of contacts from his eye doctor to try out. He has always wanted to wear contacts because he really hates his glasses. Personally when I first saw him wearing them he looked really funny almost like he forgot to put his glasses on. I never had to wear glasses only the kind to keep the sun away from my eyes. If you like to wear contacts then here is a sample of some sensitive contact solution.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Still bad in Illinois

Well I know they say that the economy is getting much better but here where I live in Illinois we still have the worst unemployment rate. The jobs are just not around her ad people are still trying to get unemployment benefits. It is really sad because it only last for so long and then you have no income at all. I can not imagine having a family and worrying about how you are going to feed them. I found a great job searching website that might be better than the usual ones you look at. It seems to be nice and very easy to use. I like to try different sites because you just never know when something might be on one site and not another. It pays to search more than one site.

Does it Work?

How many times do we read something and wonder does it really work? Well I read things all the time because it sounds really cool but sometimes I don't really believe it. I want to know if something really works before I buy it. If I have to buy it first then it better work or I have wasted my money on another bad product. Have you read the murad review well I was not that impressed. It has quite a few reviews but then with all the reviews it has only worked for about 49% of them. That is not really enough for me to go ahead and get some for myself. It seems like a decent percentage but really not enough for my taste. I have to have at least a 75% if I have not yet used the product and I don't want to waste money. What do you think have you used it before. If you have and it worked really well give a product review so people like me are more likely to buy the product.

A favorite Website

Personally I am going from website to website a million times a day. I have to find the best deals on products that we are always using. I was once told that you should never have to buy things like hygiene products and if your paying over a quarter for cereal your paying to much. Well so far since I have been couping that has been just the case. I have gotten everything free and cereal cost no more than a quarter if it cost that much. One of my favorite website is My Points. I have received so many gift cards from them that I will be a member for life. If you are not a member yet you should check it out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I have never smoked a day in my life. In high school I have to admit that I did try and smoke one cigarette with one of my best friends but I took one puff and knew instantly that it was not something that I wanted to do. It was so disgusting that I never tried it again and I am pretty happy just that way I am. I never really wanted to smoke but it seemed like the cool thing to do so I gave it a try. I don't know how people can actually stand it because it stinks and tastes terrible. I do live the smell of la flor dominicana cigars. I have never smoked one but it does smell nice when you walk by an older man and they are smoking one. I would not want to smell it every day but once in a while it is nice. Ken ordered some to pass out last time I had a baby. I don't think he smoked one either but it seemed fun so he wanted to give passing them out a try.


So what is your favorite childhood food? I would have to say that mine is mac and cheese. I love to eat it still to this day. i do like the Kraft much better than the cheap brands. My kids also will not even eat a brand other than Kraft. I guess I have them spoiled already. That is probably a bad thing but since it is all I eat then I guess its fine. Here is a new sample I found of the new Kraft mac and cheese. Seriously can it get any better? I doubt it.

The Perfect Tie

I love dressing my kids up for holidays. I have to say dressing up all three of them is the funnest part of the whole holiday to me. I like dressing Maddie in a pretty dress. She always thinks she looks like a princess when she is dressed up. The boy I like to put in cute little shirts and bow ties. I think it is so hard finding one for a little boy. It seems as if they are either so popular that they often sell out if you see one that is so nice and cute or maybe they just don't make enough of them. I really love this website because they have ties in every color and I can get them to match any outfit or shirt. I will have to order a couple matching ones for the boys for the upcoming wedding we are going to attend. They will look so cute in little ties that match. I might even order Ken one as well.


I give the kids vitamins every single day. I have to give them to Maddie because if I don't she gets really dark circles under her eyes. I looked it up and it is a lack of vitamin k in her diet. That sounds about right to me because I can not get her to like any green veggie. She will not even give it a try so I have to make sure she has them everyday. I myself should take womens vitamins. I know they would give me more energy and make me feel better but I often forget about myself. I guess being a parent we always tend to put our own health behind the health of our kids. Kind of silly when you think about it because they stay healthy of we do but I guess thats just part of the parent title. I am researching some for myself however and I want to start to take them every day.

Jack in the Box

Well where I live we don't have any Jack in the Box that I am aware of anyway. I can't say that I am to disappointed because I have heard some pretty nasty stories about this place. I am sure however that they are better than they used to be. I know they are pretty unhealthy but most fast food is not all that good for you anyways. Anyways on Friday the 16th they are giving away free french fries. Here is the link telling you more.


One thing that I really like working with is numbers. Now please don't get confused because I hate math and I am not good at it all. My husband can tell you that because he had to teach me math just so I was able to get my college degree. I do however like working with numbers. I loved the accounting class that I took in high school. I did really well in it and it was totally different than I would have thought since I did not like math at all. I think that I would love to have an accounting job in the future. There are many any different opportunities that you can get just by doing a finance job search. You can get job opportunities from every different state. You can do a general search or narrow it down however your wish. It sure seems like these jobs are very popular. They have a ton of different opportunities that I might look into sometime when the kids are in school.

Free Coffee

I personally don't drink coffee but I know a ton of people drink it. Today only on tax day a huge coffee chain is giving away free coffee if you bring in a reusable coffee mug. Starbucks I am sure is forking out a ton of money for this tax break. However Im sure they will just right it off next year on their taxes as donating. Here is the link if you would like to read more about it.

A Clear face

Well one thing that I am very thankful for is my clear face. I get one pimple every now and then but it usually goes away within a week. I had this one pimple a few weeks ago that would not go away. It was a weird one that was under my skin. I kept waiting for it to come up but it never did it just went away after I tried many different acne solutions. I ran out of my usual solution so I was using rubbing alcohol and dabbing it on that problem spot and it seemed to be working. However as a result of it my face was getting really dry and I felt like I always needed moisturizer. Then I started to look into new acne solutions so when I got a pimple I could use a different method. I now like the solution that I have chosen and I only thought about trying it because it was one of the top sellers and the reviews were pretty good. I love researching to find things so I don't waste my money on bad products.

Battery Vacuum

The last Christmas gift that I really remember my grandma giving me before she was really sick was this little vacuum. It is the most handy vacuum that I have ever had because it runs on a battery. You can always keep it plugged in and it is super lightweight. I pull it out a couple hundred times a day to clean up after the kids. However I have noticed that it needs a Battery replacements because the charge does not last as long as it used to last. I used it for a week when I first got it without even putting it on the charger. Now I have to charge it just about every other day or so because it runs low pretty quickly. I still love the vacuum so I just need to find a replacement battery. Thankfully I came across this site that might just be my answer.

Never Again

Never again will I buy a house without a dish washer. It was not really a big deal when we first moved out because I never had a dishwasher growing up so not having one was really nothing new to me. Ken and I also did not have on in our apartment either. He however noticed a huge change. I would love to have one now that we have a bigger family because I feel I'm always doing dishes. For you luck dishwasher people here is a free sample.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Best

I have to say since I used to work at a hardware store one thing that I have learned is what the best products are and which are not. I happen to like the Moen kitchen faucet because the Moen company always has a lifetime warranty on their products. They will replace them if something should happen to them as long as you personally own the product. You can get a really good deal on them online. I remember when someone used to come into the store to purchase a replacement product I would always tell them to call the company because it was guaranteed. I suppose the store did not like it but it was true and everyone needs to save some money now and then.


Well I like suave and I guess I really don't need a free sample of it considering that I have about thirty bottles of it in my basement. I however will sign up for one anyways. I never knew that target stores offered free samples. that was a little shocking. Well if you would like a sample. Here is the link below.

Todays Deal

Well I have not been an internet shopper for a long time. I usually like to go into the stores to look at the stuff before I actually buy them. I do buy some things and I am more likely to buy something if it is the deal of the day or if it comes with free shipping. I noticed a while ago that websites usually offer one thing everyday that is a super deal. It is the cheapest that you will find that item anywhere. I did this a lot this past Christmas and I also plan on doing it again this year. I also like to score free shipping because if I don't like the item I don't want to pay for shipping on it. Have you ever seen a website that offers a deal of the day item? Well if you have not then head on over to this site so you can get a good idea of what it looks like. It really usually is a great deal.