Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Did Not Know

Well I was a little surprised when I found out that different conference calls for business cost a ton of money if you use them often. I guess it is not something that I know very much about so I really never payed attention to it. I also dont know because I never worked in a setting like that where there is conference calls all the time. I sure hope all these companies have someone that does conference call price comparison. I think that every business should have one person dedicated to saving money. I see so many places that waste money and it just amazes me every time. Even my husbands work with the stories he tells me of things that people do the company wastes so much money. They need someone to reform their spending. I just dont think they will every be a budget friendly company like so many other companies.

Playing Store

One thing that my kids like to do quite often is play grocery store. It is something that I encourage because it helps them to work together and it also helps them to learn about money. They use real money to buy toys and some canned good that pretend to bye from each other. One thing that always use is their toy cash register. I am sure they would love to have a real cash drawer to play with. I could fill it with some dollars as well as coins to help them realize the value of money and to also teach them to count money as well as saving it. I like that they have such big imaginations.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Video Games

One thing that I do not believe in is allowing you kids to always watch tv or play video games. I do not believe that a kid should be able to memorize any movie just from watching it all the time. I think that those kids watch to much tv and that their parents use it as a babysitter. It is really sad to me. With that said my kids do watch some tv and they also have a nintendo ds. They do not play them all the time as a matter of fact they usually just use them on long car trips. It saves us from them asking if we are there yet and it makes the time go faster for them. I believe that kids need to play more than use electronics. It helps them learn and grow.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Nothing But Dell

In the beginning of the year we were in the market for a new laptop computer. We searched and searched for the best computer for the price. One thing was that we knew that we really liked the Dell computers. We already had a Dell desktop as well as a laptop. I really wanted to seal the deal with dell home coupons. It really makes a difference when you buy a big ticket item with a coupon. We ended up getting a really good deal on our computer and it has all the upgrades that were possible. So far I am really enjoying it. I think we made the perfect choice for our family.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Channeling Pretty Little Liars with my makeup

Guest post written by Ali Simmons

The thing that I find funny about Pretty Little Liars is that these girls on there are getting harassed by some psycho, yet they still manage to look perfectly put together. I guess that one could learn a thing or two from them about prioritizing your beauty routine! OK so I'm joking, but I won't lie those girls are enviably put together on the show despite their characters being distressed the whole time.

In the spirit of that, I thought that it would be a good idea to look up how to do some of their makeup looks and apply it to my beauty routine every once in a while. While I was looking up some screen captures to use as reference, I ran across the site clearwirelessinternet4g.com. After I read through it a little bit I decided to show it to my roommates and we ended up changing our internet access over to it.

I found a couple of good examples of their eye makeup, especially ones that I was able to look up at close to go by and I was impressed by my results. Especially with trying out these looks for the first time.