Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Water heaters

Soon I think that Ken and I really hope to do something with our basement. We really want to make it so it will be a usable living space in our very small home. I was looking around at things that can make the room more eye catching. One of the upgrades that I found was a tankless water heaters. They use less energy and they also last longer. Not to mention they take up so much less space and look a lot nicer than you average tank. Check them out if you are thinking of remodeling.

Free sippy

This i9s something for sure that all mommies can use. It is a free sippy cup from juicy juice. Funny because around my house even though I have only two kids I never seem to have enough cups. So get a spare for you house or maybe even grandmas.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Farmer

I have some relatives that live in Kansas. When I was only about 15 years old I went there with my parents and that was the first time I ever seen what it was like to be a true farmer. My relatives there are the real deal. They depend on their farms to make a living. I thought it was really strange that they do not go to work but they work on their farms all day long. I realized that when I was there their jobs were much harder than the average job and people really don't appreciate what they do. They have to take care of their crops and the cattle. They get their cattle supplies at stores and online. That makes it much easier so they can spend their work days harvesting or selling their crops. I understand now that farming is hard and farmers like to save money just like we do. That's why they buy their supplies online.

Wash your laundry free

Have you noticed how many different types of laundry soap there are. Well here is another one. A free sample of Purex laundry detergent. So now you can wash you and your families clothes for free. I hope you enjoy this sample. I ordered one.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


have you ever went and seen a movie at the theater on an opening night of a much waited movie? You know what I am taking about like when the public has been waiting forever for a film to finally come out. Well if you have then you know that it can be very busy. It seems like there is people everywhere with no direction at all. So thankfully they sell theater rope. This give people a little direction on which way to go. So they are not just getting in the way. So if your theater is without these ropes I suggest getting some. They will come in handy for that next big featured film.

Hair samples

So do you ever notice that when you go to a hair salon your hair is always smelling really good when you leave. Not to mention that it usually looks a lot different than you can ever do yourself. Well now you can have the same salon looks with this samples of RedKen hair products. You can have the same salon smell an everything, while using products for your specific hair type. Order yours today.

Acne treatment

Well there are so many people that suffer from acne and they are always looking for a new acne treatment to cure their acne. Did you know there was an actual website that sold and told you different information about ever top acne treatment. They tell you a little about every treatment and you can also buy it directly from them. So easy right? Now you can also be acne free for the rest of your life.

Cross stitch

So do you cross stitch? Well I do not but I have always wanted to learn how to do it. It seems like it would be a neat hobby and the patterns they have can be really cute. SO I don't know what this is but you do get free cross stitch stuff. So it my help you with your projects. Check it out maybe you can start this hobby.


So did you ever notice that when you first get your new car you are always looking to make some upgrades. You always want the newest things and you always try to keep it clean. Well I thing that is normal, because you usually really like the car you just purchased. So why not. Well I have found a site that you can get a Chevy grille for your new chevy car or SUV. You can have the latest in style and order the right over right over the Internet. Very simple to get your car up to date. Check them out, they also have many other makes and models for other types of cars and trucks.

Hannah Montana Cd

Well I do not know very much about the whole Hannah Montana craze but I do have a free coupon for a Cd of hers. You can get it at the libby lu store. You do need the coupon to get the free Cd. So get one for your little tween. Boy am I glad I am not in that stage yet.

Monday, April 21, 2008


There are so many things to worry about these days, and I think one of the major concerns with being a parent is drug use. There are so many places to help you drug rehab that it eases my worry sometimes. It is amazing that the kids these day find a new drug every day. Some from every day household items. That's what scares me. I guess you have to be thankful for the treatment places. They treat you like you are your own individual person and are there to help you. They can get you back to your old self again. Drugs can be scary so please do not take them lightly.

Earth Day

Hey tomorrow is earth day. So what are you going to do. I think we will be planting a tree and starting our garden. So how about a Earth Day poster. You can get yours free. We all have to take care of our Earth so lets get our posters today. We will always remember Earth Day 2008.


Hey have you always wondered what it would be like to be an actor or actress well I am sure that we all have day dreamed about it a time or two. I know that when my kids were just born I was always thinking of their future and I thought it would be great to get them in the movies. Well I was thinking about it but I never knew what to do or were to get started. I never knew about I was looking around this site and found out that with them they actually bring Hollywood to you. You can look on their site and find out where they are looking for people just like your kids. I know it sounds to easy well that's because it is really easy. They can set you up with everything you need to get started. I think that most parents want to secure their child's future and this is the perfect way to do it. So check it out make your kid a celebrity.

Development guide

So this is again for the parents that are reading my sample site. This is a free developmental guide book for your kids. You can see where they are or how they compare against other kids their age. So you can see how your kid is developing. Or you can just read it for fun. Get yours before they are gone.

Medical Supplies

You know how many times I have heard some elderly person say that they can no longer find the supplies they need anymore. Well not there is a site that has incontinence supplies right over the internet. They have so many supplies that it is really amazing. You can order them all directly from their site. So no more traveling miles and miles and from store to store just to find a couple things here and there. They are all in one spot easy to purchase. Check them out or pass this site on to someone who needs it.

Goodnight pants

So since we have a baby theme going on here this is a sample for the potty training mommies and daddies. It is Free Samples of GoodNites® Sleep Boxers for Boys and Girls. So maybe you can get your little one out of those diapers. Get your sample today whether you need it or not. You will some day right. Might as well have one. It's free.


One thing Ken and I have learned this past couple years since we have become home owners is the art of learning how to budget our money. It is really nice knowing what you have to spend and that you can not spend more than your budget allows. We learned this with the help of some budgeting software. They teach you what you can do to make the most of your new budget. It is great for the every day person and for the business owners. Do you need a budget? Maybe this software can be good for you also.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

For the babies

So I found this free sample I don't really need it right now but maybe I will in the future. It is a free Playtex Nurser system. I don't really know what is in it but hey what the heck I ordered one anyways. I'm all about free samples and I ordered one for the heck of it. Maybe I can give it away if I do not want it. So get yours if you want one.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New job

So have you or one of your family and friends been considering a new job. Are you tired of the same old thing and looking for a change? Well have you considered cna training. You can find different cna schools that offer many different cna programs that just might fit into your very busy scheduel. So stop working in a job that is going nowhere and start your new career today.

Free Potty training guide

He girls and guys you all know I'm sure that Ken and I have been working on Maddie so that she can be potty trained and fully out of diapers. I have to say we are pros now since we have done it once already but for those of you that are not and are just getting started on this wonderful journey here is a free potty training guide book. So enjoy and get your little one out of those diapers. Good Luck!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Free Religious gifts

I sure hope that we all believe in God. Well that is my wish for all my visitors on this site and all my other sites. I guess as a matter of fact I wish that everyone in the world believed in God I think it would be a much happier place to live with less fighting and racism. So I am giving all my readers some religious gifts. On this site they will send you a free

Holy Rosary
Miraculous Medal
Miraculous Fatima Water
Green Scapular
Brown Scapular
Holy Card of Our Lady of Fatima

If you do not need one maybe you can pass it on and give someone else the gift of Jesus.

A Job for you

Hey have you been looking around for a new job lately. I remember when I was working I always hated going to work everyday and wished that I had a job that I liked. There are so many jobs that I never think of when I am looking to find a new job. Like a sonography technician sounds like it would be an ok thing to do. You can find sonography schools online and take the classes right from home. That way you dont have to travel to go to a school. So if you hate your job maybe a sonography tech might just be the job for you.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Ok so this is a free offer for today only. It is really a good deal if you still have a camera that takes film. It is a Free Roll of Film Developed at Walgreens on Wednesday. You can print your coupon for getting a free roll of film processed. I don't have this camera anymore but maybe someone will. So good luck.

Spring Clean Free

Well spring is right around the corner. So in honor of cleaning I have a Free Scotch-Brite Disposable Toilet Scrubber with Bleach Starter Kit. It will help you get your bathroom for all the company you are planning to have over. I know I am planning on having some Ben's birthday is right around the corner and that means a party. So Print our your coupon and get yours today.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pharmacy Teck

I have never really been sure what I wanted my career to be. I once was considering being a pharmacy technician because I hear the hours were really good and it was easy to get a job. I used to work in a pharmacy as a cashier so I knew that being a pharmacy tech was an easy and fun job. It did not take a lot of schooling an the pharmacy technician salary would be nice to have. So I will keep that in mind when I am taking more summer courses this year.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Free tote bag

So we all know how important it is to stop filling the land fill with trash. Did you ever think of how many trees you can save by using a reusable shopping bag. Well now you can get one of your very own for free. You can use it for many other things too. Maybe a diaper tote. What ever it is you can get yours now for free.