Saturday, May 28, 2011


I remember when I was a teenager I was always thinking how to get rid of pimples. I would try just about anything on the market that they said would work. I tried everything from acne treatments to using tooth paste on my pimples over night because it promised to dry them out overnight and make them go away faster. I have to admit I think that tooth paste worked well but I don't really know if it worked or if I was just a crazy teen willing to try any treatment that they said might work. I did not have any money before I had a job so I depended on my parents to get me the acne treatments I wanted to try. That is what lead to me trying so many home remedies. I did not have a computer to use with Internet so I did not know the resources that were available. There is so much information now that I am interested in reading it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On demand Big Bang

Contributed by Milford Woods

My TV viewing taste favors reality shows over scripted programs but there is one sitcom that I like a lot. Now that my satellite service from includes it in it's free on demand programming I never miss The Big Bang Theory. This show is wonderfully well written. It focuses on four rather geeky scientists who work and hang out together along with the typical ditzy blonde neighbor.

I think the producers intended the show to focus on the character of Leonard who is played by Johnny Galecki. Galecki played David in Roseanne and is probably the best known of the Big Bang cast. Leonard is actually a very likeable character but the star of the show is definitely Sheldon. Sheldon is played by Jim Parsons who is perfect for the role.

The Sheldon character could easily have faded into the background as one of Leonard's amusing friends or seen unlikable and annoying, as the highly educated scientist is totally unschooled in social graces. With Pasons' extreme talent the fussy, rude and arrogant Sheldon has evolved into a quirky but loveable scamp who is simply too busy solving complex equations to be bothered with etiquette or to worry about other people's feelings.

The most recent episode of Big Bang had me laughing out loud as Sheldon went to extreme lengths to find the secret to a magic trick including hacking into a government computer for assistance. True to form he didn't consider this improper, as he was on a quest for knowledge.


Have you ever considered taking supplements? I really have never taken anything except maybe a multivitamin. I have never heard of some of the supplements that are on the market. Who knew there were testosterone supplements that work. I really don't know to much about them or why the average person would want to take them in the first place. I guess they can give you more muscle and make you more of a man. From reading a little bit about the drug it seems that it might really help to boost your muscle mass. I might look into it for Ken. I doubt he will be all into it but you never know.