Thursday, May 13, 2010

Window Shopping

I was window shopping the other day at a whole foods store. I noticed that down almost every single isle they had a different diet pill offering amazing results for almost no life changes necessary. Well that is pretty much impossible. I know better than that. I know that in order to loose weight you have to change the way you eat as well as have more activity in your life. I happened to write down a few of the pills and thought that I would do a little research on my own. I noticed that the apidexin reviews seem to be pretty good. I am not really into taking a diet pills because I always worry about the side affects. This pill is rated #1 and I guess it seems to have the reviews to go along with it. Maybe I will look into it a little further and give it a try.

Free Deodorant

I use dove deodorant every single day so I was happy when I seen this sample that walmart was offering. I like to grab the sample and throw them into the closet so when I run out I always have a back up. I'm not a huge fan of last minute shopping so if I can keep a backup then I'm all set. Here is the link if your interested.

The Perfect Solution

I personally love baths. I would really take a relaxing bath every single day if I have a big jet tub. I do take a bath sometimes but not to often because I do not like our tub because the water gets so cold so fast. It seems I am constantly turning the water off and on just to keep warm. I can not imagine not having a bath tub.
What if you could not lift your leg to get into the tub anymore? What would you do? Well the first time I ever seen walk in tubs was at Ken's dads house. I thought it was really strange but it worked for Ken's mom that could no longer get in and out. It was not the kind of tub like these but a make shift tub before these became popular. They are very functional and they are actually kind of neat. I like them for small kids as well as the elderly. My kids are always slipping in and out of the tub and I always worry they will get hurt. If they could just walk into the tub it would sure make me worry less.

Free Dove

Free Dove! I happen to love the way Dove shampoo smells. I really do not buy it very much because it is pretty expensive. I am more of a suave girl if you know what I mean. I do however love free samples of any hair product because I like to take them on vacation. It makes things easy to just toss them when your finished and I can bring home more souvenirs.
Here is the link to get yours.

Weight Loss

I think that just about everyone in the world wants to loose a few pounds here or there. Is anyone really perfectly happy with the way they look. I don't think so do you? Nothing on any one's body is exactly perfect. What is perfect look like anyways. Some people have a big nose some people have big hips, some fat some to skinny. Anyway you look at it the world is full of different people. Thankfully we are all different or it would be a strange place. I always hear tons of people that have terrible weight loss surgery stories. Why do they always tell us the bad but never the good. Well I like to here the weight loss success stories. It gives me some motivation that people can have a procedure done and still look great. Well I like to hear more good stories than bad so I like reading about achievements. If I want to hear bad things i will just turn on the news. I'm sure I can see some bad stories there.

Bad Stomach

One thing that I hate is my stomach. I hate that I have this huge over hang from my three c-sections. I really don't thing that anything would take it away even exercise but I'm willing to try anything to get rid of stomach fat. I am a little skeptical if this would really work so before I give it a try I think I am going to check out some of the reviews. If it works on me let me tell you it would be a miracle. Some day I am going to get rid of it. Hopefully sooner rather than later but hey what can I do I have three beautiful babies and I guess that makes it all worth it.

For the Guys

Finally a sample for the guys in your life. We would not want them to feel left out of the free sample world. I found a sample of old spice body wash. I am not to sure it if smells good but I am willing to give it a shot if you are. Here is the link below. Let me know when you get yours and if you liked it.