Thursday, December 22, 2011


Have you ever went into a store that did not have a POS Hardware system? I have seen quite a few of the little mom and pop shops that still use the price tag system. I don't know why they don't choose to upgrade because then it also helps to keep the stores inventory. I think it is a much faster and easier way to keep things organized. I used to work at a store that did not have one of these systems and they went out of business because they could not keep the store stocked. I always wonder if they would still be in business if they were more up to date. I really loved that job and was so sad when they closed the doors forever.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Work Uniforms

So many people are in medical fields. Whether it be in a dentist profession or in the medical fields, they really do have some cute uniforms. I remember the days when they all used to have to wear the same thing and the same color. It made for one boring place with a lot of the same color. I am so glad that they have come out of the old and now give people a choice. At cherokee workwear you can find some pretty amazing styles of all sizes. It makes for a colorful workplace and happier employees that can have a choice in their uniform.

When I was little....

When I was little I always had a decorative switch plates in my room growing up. I actually still have the cover in a keepsake box that I have from my childhood. It was a loony tunes cover. On it was bugs bunny and daffy duck as well as other characters. I always wanted to get our kids a decorative one for their rooms as well but never really seen them for sale at our hardware store. I never thought to check online for some silly reason. I see now they have lots of different ones to choose from.

Samples and Social Media

One place I have to say is the best place to get samples is on facebook. I have had numerous full size samples come for me in the mail. I love to try products before I buy them. And one place to get them is on facebook. Not only do I connect with my friends I also connect with companies as well.

Preparing for the future

As many of my readers know my family you know that I have a sister. It might be hard to believe for some but my sister and I are almost 16 years apart. That means I am a stay at home mom of three children and she is still a sophomore in high school. It seems like high school was light years away from me already. However last week my sister was talking to me about taking her SAT's to see what college she can get into. I do not even remember taking the tests myself as it was so long ago already. My mom was asking me if I knew how she could help prepare for the tests and I really did not know of any resources. I did not know that StudyPoint even existed at the time of the conversation. I have been doing a little looking into the company and it seems like a great place to help you prepare for these college entrance tests. I was impressed with their website. I am for sure going to pass the info on to my sister who still has not found a good resource to help her.

Monday, December 12, 2011


The article written by Isidro Carter
My son has such a different life than I did as a child. For one thing, no one had a cell phone when I was growing up. Nowadays everyone has a cell phone and it’s usually in their hand while they are texting or posting to twitter or Facebook or taking a picture. My son can work my iPhone better than I can! I hand it to him and in like five seconds he is watching some video on You Tube or on TV is even different than when I was little. There were cartoons on every Saturday morning and I looked forward to them all week. Now that I think about it, maybe cartoons were on every morning, but that is the only day I was allowed to watch them or turn on the TV for that matter. My mom would have the hardest time trying to get me up for school each morning, but I would be up at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to watch cartoons. We have tvbydirect and my son can find a cartoon to watch at any time of the day! He knows how to work the remote and will find a show without even asking!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Well I have to say other than three c-sections I have not had a surgery in my life. I don't think most people do unless you have major health problems. I remember when I was younger my mom had surgery on her back. She still has a bad back and should prolly look into spinal laser surgery again. It was not around when I was younger so it was not an option. The surgery did help her for the most part but she still has days that are very painful for her. I always feel sorry for her when I see her so miserable because of her bad back. I hope that she can get help sometime soon. Maybe this is the option that could really help her.

A Pool

One thing that I have always wanted is a swimming pool. I have wanted one since I was younger, but we never had a yard for a pool. I often wonder if we could put a pool in our yard here in Steger. We have not really looked into it yet but I am tempted every single year. One thing that would be very important would be taking a look at pool safety covers so that our kids would be safe as well as the neighborhood kids if they should come into our yard. A pool can be very fun but also very dangerous with small kids if you don't take the precautions. I might look into one this summer.