Friday, September 3, 2010

Just in Case

I have to say I am a 100% just in case type of girl. I always like to be prepared for the future. I do thins with just about everything I do. That is why when we go on even a small trip I am way over packing. I always think what if something happens and I need something for the kids. I like to have just about everything that I might need handy in case I can not get it at a store nearby. You just never know what will happen. You can not prepare for certain events in your life. And since one event can change your whole life I want to be prepared for it. That's why I was looking at just the other day. I waned to be prepared in case we need to be. I don't want to wait until someone has broken into our house before we get home security system. That would be silly and way to risky for me. I need someone like the Home Security Team to give me the security that I need to be able to be gone from our house on a long vacation and not worry that things will be the same as I left them when I return. There are some things in life that you are just not able to replace and I happen to have some of them in my home.
With everything I do before I jump into things I checked with consumer reports. I like to make sure they are recommended by other customers that have used their service before. No sense in having a company that is disliked by other as I am sure I will also not be as happy. I like to make sure places have a good rating and are well liked. I like customers service to be friendly not crabby. I also like them to speak English so that I can understand. Plus have the same benefits of the more expensive companies on the market. With their rating I am sure I will be both protected and happy because I am saving some money.

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