Monday, February 6, 2012


One thing we just do not have time for is fun things that we enjoy. I know that Ken enjoys playing video games but he never really has much time at night to play. He goes to work than he has school and homework. We also have to work on homework with Ben and by then it seems as if the night is over. We do not have the newest of game systems of games and I have to say we really do not buy games because Ken can just download them. We do not have an xbox 360 and Ken does not mention that he would like to get one. I do have a friend that got one for Christmas and really enjoys having it. Ben also likes to play once in a while but we have a rule that during the school week video games are not to be played. He has other things like reading and spelling words that have priority. Ken set that rule up and I actually like it as well. We think school is more important.

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